9 Things You Need to Do Before You Graduate High School

To all of my high school seniors,  I just want to say CONGRATS! You’re almost done! But before you walk down the aisle with your caps and gowns, here are some suggestions to make those last days of high school worthwhile.

  1. Post inspirational sticky notes everywhere!

Atpost-it-heart-img_5077 the beginning of my senior year, my friends and I (although we went to different schools) began posting inspirational sticky notes all around the school. From
bathroom stalls, on lockers, under desks, and even on chairs. I have no idea if anyone took the time to truly read them, but I really hoped it blessed someone day.

2. Take Your Own Graduation Pictures with Your BFFs

IMG_1811.JPGAlthough you most likely will have your official graduation pics through your school, it is so much more fun to grab all of your friends and take your own cap and gown pictures!


3. Write thank you letters to all of your teachers and staff

No matter if you absolutely adore your teachers or cannot wait to leave their classrooms, but you should take the time to write a thank you note to all of the teachers who you’ve had during your four years in high school. If possible, you could even write thank you notes to teachers who you’ve had in the past such as in elementary and middle school who have made a huge impact on your life. Depending on how big your school is,  you may not be able to write a thank you note to everyone on the school staff in your school, but it would be nice if you could!

4. Invite at least one friend to church or to a church event 


Although it may seem nerve-racking at first, once you make that step of finally asking your friend to go to church event will make all of the difference! Plus, it’s SUPER fun!

5. Pray for your classmates

No matter how annoying or awesome your classmates may be, it takes love to pray for your classmates especially since they are making the same tough decisions that you are probably facing. Pray that for those who do not know Jesus as their Lord, pray that will find true purpose in their lives, and that will find true joy in God.

6. Volunteer for a Cause You Care About

No, you will not be paid but volunteering will open more doors for you than you can ever
imagine. Do not just volunteer anywhere but for a cause you truly care about. Do you love children? Then volunteer at a Girls and Boys club or any after school program! Are you obsessed with animals? Take the time to volunteer at an animal shelter! Just figure out what you are most passionate about and run with it!


7. Forgive 

You cannot sojourn on this new journey if you are holding to old baggage from the past. Let go of those angry feelings towards those classmates who have irked you since 9th grade or for the teacher who did not give you the grade you deserved. However, it is just worth it to let go of the past and run towards your

Shine your light 

This is your last chance to make a lasting impact on your high school before you leave those doors. Do all that you can to shine for Jesus and to share His love to everyone (teachers, students, bus drivers, custodians, lunch ladies/men, and staff).


Enjoy your last few days in high school. Spend time with your friends, take pictures with your favorite teachers, and just breathe. You’re almost done, guys!

Congrats, Graduates!
